PHOTO: Sisters U.Emujin and U.Enkhjin are awarded the best traditional script writers
3 years agoon

The “Khumuun Bichig” newspaper published by the Montsame Agency has organized the ” Foremost Traditional Script Writers of Mongolia 2021″ national contest for the 25th time.
1500 people, except Bayan-Ulgii, Gobi-Altai province and Bagakhangai district of Ulaanbaatar city, participated in the contest.
U.Emujin, a 2-b grade student from Tosontsengel soum, Khuvsgul province, won the 1st place of 1st to 7th grade category, while his sister U.Enkhjin also won the 1st place of 8th to 12th grade category.
U.Enkhjin, an 11-b grade student from Tosontsengel soum, Khuvsgul province, said “I want to express my idea as everyone can learn Mongolian traditional script through Khumuun Bichig newspaper. I wrote in two ways: brush and bamboo pen writing. My family writes Mongolian script correctly and my mother’s script is also in the competition”.
Her script begins as “Khumuun Bichig newspaper seems like my best friend”.
A 12-a grade of the 16th school of Darkhan-Uul province won first place in the “Best Traditional Script Writer Class” category. And their teacher N.Tsolmon said “The Nine White Banners of Mongolia, the national flag, and the national anthem are combined in the works of 29 children. My students living and working abroad said that the only thing that sets them apart as Mongolians is their language and culture. Based on this idea, we created it for a year”.
J.Gerelmaa, a teacher of the 1st school of Saikhan soum, Selenge province, won in the category of creative works with a pair of daalimba and a decorative deel with a Mongolian pattern. She also won by the avdar, a box shaped wooden furniture with a carving, in 2014 and by 108 folds in 2017.
In the category of professional teachers, Ts.Norpil, a teacher from the 1st school of Sukhbaatar district of Ulaanbaatar city, won. Ts.Norpil wrote a combination of Mongolian script with square writing, and described the role of the Khumuun Bichig newspaper in society.
The oldest participant was 99-year-old S.Jigmidsuren, a resident of the 6th khoroo of Sukhbaatar district of the capital city, and the youngest was B.Urantogos, a 1b grade student of the 57th school of Chingeltei district of the capital city.
A category of 12th grade students in the competition:
B.Anujin, 12th grade student of Tarialan soum of Khuvsgul province /National University of Mongolia/
Yo.Zolboo, 12th grade student of the 23rd school of Chingeltei district of the capital city /National University of Mongolia/
E.Budsuren, 12th grade student of Khan Uul complex school, Kherlen soum, Dornod province /Mongolian State University of Education/
Kh.Nandintsetseg /MSUE /, a 12th grade student of Mandal school, Saintsagaan soum, Dundgovi province, successfully participated and became eligible to study with a 100% scholarship from the Education Loan Fund.
B.Altantuya, a teacher at the “Sodon Chimee” training center, won in the calligraphy category, and B.Bayanjavzan, a journalist from Graph.mn, won in the adult category.
The best works submitted to the competition have been placed in the Mongolian Art Gallery.
Teachers of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation at the Faculty of Philology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University traditionally hold an annual event “Ata Zan”. This year, the ceremony was attended by students, undergraduates and doctoral students majoring in “Foreign Philology” and “Translation Studies” as well as by the teaching staff of the department. First-year students, who crossed the threshold of the university for the first time, also took an active part in this event. The event was held on August 31, 2021.
The festival was opened by such well-known professors of the faculty as Zh.Dadebayev, S. Ashimkhanova, T. Esembekov, A. Tarak, M. Aimagambetova,
L. Musaly, S. Seidenova. In their speeches, they discussed Constitution in general, the history of its origin and significance.
Kalybayeva Mereke, a graduate student of the faculty, spoke about the importance of Nursultan Nazarbayev’s books “Kazakhstan’s way” and “At the turn of the century” about the history of the Constitution, various obstacles and controversies and the far-sighted policy of the head of state.
The report of Diana Konysbayeva, a student, was also very interesting, and she noted that the Constitution of Kazakhstan despite the fact that it is one of the youngest constitutions in the world, is dedicated to the well-being of every citizen of Kazakhstan.
Doctoral students of the faculty also prepared questions on the history of the Constitution and organized a competition based on it. It contained questions about the goals, objectives and rights of individuals and social groups. Those who answered the questions correctly were awarded special prizes.
At the end of the event, a beautiful performance was organized by students.
Professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Kazybek Gulmira Kudaibergenkyzy
PhD doctor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Kenzhekanova Kuralay Kenzhekankyzy
The teaching staff, doctoral students and undergraduates of the Department of foreign philology and Translation Studies of the Faculty of Philology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University discussed in detail the address of Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan dated September 1, 2021 on “Kazakhstan in a new situation: a stage of action” at an extended meeting of the Department. We consider this address of our president valuable because of its importance, significance, responsibility, ingenuity, foresight. In his address, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev defined the main tasks of our people. This is the preservation of socio-economic stability, jobs and incomes of the population. The president also focused on specific ways to implement it. The address, which includes eleven sections, specifies issues related to improving the country’s economy, culture, education, sports, etc. In the address, issues related to higher education institutions were covered in detail in the section “Affordable and high-quality education”. First of all, he highlighted the weaknesses of learning during the pandemic and suggested urgently developing new online platforms in the future.
He also touched upon the issue of expanding the scope of quality education and raising the salaries of teachers, taking into account their knowledge and skills. It is well known that the current stage is the stage of digital development. In this regard, the President proposed to develop a “Concept of Continuing Education.” We believe that this concept will also help to improve the quality of students’ education. Undoubtedly, this will improve the quality of education through the use of modern smart technologies in the training of new staff.
It is known that there are only a few professions that are in demand today. It is true that all specialties of our university are equipped with the necessary high-quality tools and library resources in accordance with modern requirements. Therefore, we are ready to implement the issues set out in the Address of the President Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan.
The president said: “In our history, we have always stood the test of time. The country can solve the most difficult tasks. We are ready for this. We are a generation that has achieved centuries-old dreams of our people on the way to independence. We can say that if we are united and united, we will overcome all difficulties and achieve our goals”. The message, with the winged and great words, will fully acquaint the youth of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, identify specific problems and set goals for the future with high hope!
Professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Kazybek Gulmira Kudaibergenovna
Associate Professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Kenzhakanova Kuralay Kenzhekankyzy
MNT 60 million to S.Mollaei, MNT 30 million to M.Urantsetseg, Ts.Tsogtbaatar and B.Bolortuya
4 years agoon
August 19, 2021
The cabinet meeting made a decision to reward Saeid Mollaei who got a silver medal, Urantsetseg Munkhbat, Tsogtbaatar Tsend-Ochir and Bolortuya Bat-Ochir who got bronze medals from the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, and their coaches Boldbaatar Khaliun, Bundmaa Munkhbaatar and Battulga Byambajav.
In particular, MNT 60 million will be granted to Saeid Mollaei, MNT 30 million to M.Urantsetseg, Ts.Tsogtbaatar and B.Bolortuya respectively. Coach Kh.Boldbaatar will be rewarded by MNT 45 million, and M.Bundmaa and B.Battulga will be granted MNT 15 million. The relevant officials have been obliged to disburse the total amount of MNT 225 million required for the prize in accordance with the relevant regulations.
4 years agoon
December 3, 2020
On November 27, 2020, the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Studies of the Faculty of Philology and World Languages of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held an international scientific-methodical conference “PHILOLOGY, LINGUVODIDACTICS AND TRANSLATION: CURRENT ISSUES AND DEVELOPMENT TENDENCES”.
The conference was attended by qualified and experienced specialists from near and far abroad and from universities of the country.
The conference began with a welcoming speech for the participants by the dean of the Faculty, Professor B.U. Zholdasbekova.
Various scientific articles in the field of translation studies, philology, and linguistics were discussed at the international conference. Scientists tried to identify ways and directions for the development of translation studies, expressed their views. The relevance and importance of each article was determined and a lively discussion took place.
It should be noted that the professors of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation organized an online seminar on “FEATURES OF ETHNOCULTURAL VARIABILITY IN LANGUAGE, LITERATURE AND TRANSLATION” from 16 to 27 November. Professors E.D. Suleimenova, S.A. Ashimkhanova, Zh.D. Dadebaev, T.O. Esembekov, A.S. Tarak and associate professors M.M. Aimagambetova, S.D. Seidenova, L.Zh. Musaly, G.Sh. Akimbekova, G.K.Kazybek K.K., Kenzhekanova delivered lectures to the audience and shared their experiences.
“A person who is not inspired by translation, who does not enjoy the image, who does not write with the blood of the heart, cannot create a world that will last in his native language for a long time,” – said T. Alimkulov. It means that translation is both fascinating and challenging branch of science. Therefore, being a translator is a difficult task which never loses its responsibility and importance, which became a topical issue in the work of this conference, which in turn shows that today the interest in the profession of translator is growing. This is gratifying.
At the end of the conference, a collection of articles and certificates were given to participants. The head of the department, associate professor M.M. Aimagambetova thanked the participants of the traditional annual conference and wished them creative success.
Associate professors of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Studies of the Faculty of Philology and World Languages G.K. Kazybek, K.K. Kenzhekanova
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