The Mongolian Wrestling Federation had made a request to the United World Wrestling (UWW) to organize the Asian U23 Wrestling Championship in Mongolia. As the request...
Montsame – A public service center is to be established in Ulgii city of Bayan-Ulgii aimag with funding from the State budget. A total of MNT...
The Ulaanbaatar Winter Festival will take place on February 16-17. Officials report that this year’s festival will be co-organized by the Tourism Department of the Capital...
If I were a boy . Beyonсе. Қазақша аудармасы *** Егер мен жігіт болсам Тым болмағанда бір күнге Таңертең төсегімнен тұрып Қалаған киімімді киіп Балалармен сыра...
The Government of Mongolia has issued a resolution on setting quotas for hunting wild animals in 2019. The quotas are based on plans for 40 wildlife...
Officers at Russia’s Federal Emergency Management Agency rendered assistance to Mongolian citizens who were in difficult situation due to their bus was broken in distance of...